And, like you, I hate a book with a weak or disappointing ending. To avoid that pitfall, I figure out the beginning and ending before I craft all the chapters in between. Plus, I design multiple climatic endings. Two or three times the hero and heroine appear doomed. Hopefully, when you reach those chapters, you will worry: Will they survive?

The centurion witnesses and guards the burial of Jesus.

Midwest Book Review by Diane Donovan .“Centurion Witness: A Tale of Resurrection and Redemption represents Christian Biblical fiction at its best. Think the action of Ben Hur, combined with the political quandaries of a centurion in ancient Rome who finds himself caught between his duty to protect Rome’s governor in Judea and the forces that want to kill Jesus of Galilee and quash his followers. . . .

As in real life, aspects of my characters’ personalities emerge over time (across many chapters).

Donovan’s Bookshelf Reviews: “The Black Camel is an undercover political assassin with a reputation for always hitting her target. That’s why Al-Qaeda hires her to spread terror attacks across the USA in an effort to force the U.S. out of the Middle East. And that’s why it will take a crack team of counter terrorists to stop the Black Camel…a team that includes an FBI Special Agent and a jaded Israeli Mossad Field Officer. . . .

. . . .while striving to achieve their goals. Their depth continues to be exposed in later chapters.

GoodReads Reviewer: Catherine ★★★★★
“The best so far. A thriller that kept me glued to the end. The discovery of religious relics by a young archeologist stirred fear and anxiety in the world’s religious leaders. These zealous leaders were willing to go to extremes to get a Jesus Letter. Ed’s knowledge of all the technical equipment that was used is amazing. I suggest everyone read “The Destiny Relic“. You will see the religious world through a different light. The ending will surprise you.”. . . .

Implausible events or incredulous behavior by characters makes me stop reading. Therefore, in my thrillers I strive to avoid that by leveraging true-life experiences, as well as achievements, by real people . . . .

Bookviews by Alan Caruba: “For action and thrills, don’t miss Ed Mitchell’s new novel, GOLD FIRE that posits that the son of Osama bin Laden, with the secret assistance of China, has stolen nuclear warheads from Russia … I can tell you, this one will have you spellbound.” . . .

Today, people surf the TV, even the radio as they commute, as well as surf the Internet at work and at home. They seek data and answers quickly. . . . I write short, tight chapters, attempting to make every word, sentence, and paragraph, propel forward the characterization or the plot., Deb Jones: “The second thriller in author Ed Mitchell’s Gold series is GOLD RAID… The pace of this book starts with a trot and just keeps on going, page after page… Greed and treachery are around every corner… The characters are believable, even if somewhat larger than life on occasion… The physical action between villains and hero are nicely interspersed with character interaction as well as some tastefully steamy scenes. Definitely a must-read for any lover of the mystery/thriller genre.”

Thank you for being one of the thoughtful, intelligent, and wise people who take the time to read a book. I hope my first chapter hooks you.

Bob Walsh, Book Editor, Watsonville Register-Pajaronian: “Gold Rush 2000 induces an adrenaline rush by weaving modern gold exploration, spy satellites, gene manipulation, hostile takeovers, and U.S. national security operations, into a tapestry of conflict and suspense.”
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From: Author Ed Mitchell
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