Why Birth a Book


My first adventure thriller took 14 years from concept, through learning how to write well as I typed each chapter, until I conducted my first book launch inside the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas, California. Now, it takes me 18 months to birth a book from initial concept until delivering it to the publisher or printing house.

First book launch at the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas CA
First book launch at the National Steinbeck Center in Salinas CA

However, during a book-signing event that I did with a well-known female mystery writer, she revealed to me that her birthing schedule takes two years. During that time she is simultaneously writing one book, editing another, and on tour with her latest release. When I asked how she got started she explained she was newly divorced and had to find some way to earn money while staying at home, caring for three young children.

Speaking of family, I know an author of over two hundred cowboy-western stories. He churns out a new story every three to four months. Nine months later that book arrives at the bookstores. Not only is he a very fast writer he is incredibly motivated because he’s been divorced four times and must pay for the huge monthly payments he sends to his former wives who all have children.

So birthing lengths vary by author, motivation, skill levels, circumstance, and how established the writer is in the marketplace.

This blog shares insights into:

… How an intriguing story is conceived or inspired,
…… Techniques for going beyond, Gee-that-could-be-an-interesting-story!
……… Motivation that overcome the hurdles that arise
………… First and later partners,
…………… Impacts on relationships,
………………… Is it worth all the time, hard work, and money expended?

I’ve conceived several times. The first time was on a beach. The second was while watching TV. The third was at a rock and roll concert. Some of you may relate. For the first birth, I was clueless about a number of writing techniques needed to move from concept to actual words, then to chapters that smoothly led to the last page. So I learned by writing, re-writing, self-training, joining writer/publisher associations, and gathering feedback from people I forced to read my draft chapters.

Luckily, I had a supportive wife and I am motivated to avoid the insanity that is sprinkled across generations in my family. Like my mother, who taught me to read at her knee before she became institutionalized.

And yes, my 14-year effort was worth it, as has been the subsequent presentation of my babies to the public and watching how well they’ve done after being released into the world.

So if you are an avid reader or considering birthing a book, or a new visitor to my blog, please comment.

Book-5 Read Chapter-1 or ★★★★★ REVIEWS
Book-4 Read Chapter-1 or ★★★★★ REVIEWS
Book-3 Read Chapter-1 or ★★★★★ REVIEWS
Book-2 Read Chapter-1 or ★★★★★ REVIEWS
Book-1 Read Chapter-1 or ★★★★★ REVIEWS
Ed Mitchell's Centurion Witness #1 Best Seller on Amazon
Book-6 Read Chapter-1 or ★★★★★ REVIEWS
Ed Mitchell's Centurion Witness #1 Best Seller on Amazon

From: Author Ed Mitchell
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